GPU Environnements & GPU SIS
27 Jan 2017 Talence (France)




The Large Research Projects of IMS (GPU) "Environments" and "SIS" (Health-related Innovative Systems) organize a meeting time to gather and discuss on representative projects.

A poster competition (poster submission and vote) is open to IMS members. Permanent staff, as well as PhD students and Post-Doc are warmly invited to participate.

The works will be submitted with title, authors, abstract and a poster (.jpg file), poster submission is open from December 8th, 2016, deadline January, 18th, 2017.   

Poster vote is open from January, 20th, 2017, deadline January, 26th, 2017.   

The 3 winners for each GPU will be awarded during the meeting "Coffee" on January, 27th, 2017, 9h00-10h00.


A "logo" competition will be organized soon too (1 winner for each GPU)!

And the winners are...

Posters GPU Environments

Posters GPU SIS

With 67 votants, for 8 posters among which one outsider, the winners are :

  1. Romain Berges, Module de récupération d’énergie RF sur substrat souple
  2. Barna Keresztes, Internet of food and farming
  3. Nathalie Deltimple, Architectures de communication RF sobres énergétiquement

Each one of them has been awarded with... a 50€ coupon to buy a safety lock for a bicycle - or any other article related to this environmentally friendly mode of transport !

Bon d'achat accessoire vélo

Slideshow of submitted posters :


Or click on this link !

  1. Amel Al-Ibadi, THz Spectroscopy Imaging for Cancer Detection
  2. François Rivet, Ultrasonics communications in Human Body
  3. Quentin Chibaudel, Accès aux soins pour les personnes en situation de handicap mental avançant en âge (PHA) : intérêt de la méthode des personas



GPU Presentation, 2016 Overview

Environments SIS
Presentation Presentation


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